The Start of BAVG
- The Broughton Astley Volunteer Group was set up on 17 March 2020 just before the first national lock-down came into force.
- Our aim was to support the local community by improving the wellbeing of vulnerable or isolated individuals, whilst keeping everyone as safe as possible during the Covid-19 pandemic.
- On 15 October 2020 BAVG became a registered charity. Our aims remain the same with the addition of creating local social community groups to benefit the well-being of Broughton Astley residents. As a charity, we are now able to apply for grants and raise funds to enable us to continue with this work.

Following a flyer delivered to all Broughton Astley households, we
soon received over 200 volunteers, all willing to help out in various
The village was divided into sections for ease of management and
key early initiatives included:
1. Prescription collections
2. Local shopping
3. Dog walking
4. Friendly phone calls
We still have just over 100 volunteers on our database, some
helping out regularly, others waiting for a call to help when needed.
The Swap Shop
When restrictions allowed in August 2020, we operated a popular local community “swap shop”.
Residents dropped off books, DVD’s, jigsaw puzzles and games which we sorted and quarantined for 3 days before putting them out for collection.
These were free of charge, for people to take away and enjoy, then either keep or return them into the system.
The Swap Shop was very popular and provided a purpose for many residents of all ages.

Broughton InTouch Newsletter
Following a resident survey in August 2020 it was highlighted that 90% of residents would welcome a newsletter to keep the village up to date on local services available.
A bi monthly newsletter called “Broughton InTouch” was launched in October 2020 and is distributed to over 4,00 households.
It has grown in content and contributors and edition 19 is currently being compiled.
New Services
The Group has moved into new services since lockdown with ever evolving new initiatives.
All are aimed at improving the well being of residents and getting the community integrated. These include:
Gardening groups
A Community Allotment
Litter pickers
Weekly coffee morning, 60+ residents
Three regular Kurling groups
Boccia group
Art group
Knit & Natter group
Dementia Coffee Afternoon

Our Team

Nicola Clegg
Chair / Events & Newsletter

Jenny Row
Trustee / Groups & Treasurer

Jan Briggs
Trustee / Webmaster